Thursday, July 30, 2015

Saying "NO" to your child

Feb 2.

Focusing on "consequences" for a certain action not acceptable is the golden rule...

We usually say, "finish the milk or Dragon will eat u or drink the milk and become strong..."

...."dont throw or else I will shut u up in ur room"

These sound like temp solution to make them do what we want them to, but in long run doesnt really make sense to the child...

The child MUST see a "CONNECTION" b/w the "ACTION" and the "CONSEQUENCE" and that has to be consistent...

Like, to make the child drink milk.. first give him a break for a day or two... give the milk and if he doesnt drink say something like, "....hmmm Im observing"

On the third day, he will be surprised that u r ignoring or not getting irritated.. so when u take the milk to him, sit down and explain the good qualities of milk and what good it does to the bones and body...

I assure your he WILL drink.. slowly increase as you go... after a mnth if he again throws tantrum.. repeat the "TALK"...

Somehow, with Krish Ive to give reason for every ACTION I ask him to do.. ..

If I ever say dont He keeps staring and definitely DOES it...

I think most of the time as Moms we are in Non co-operative movement by asking them not to do things which they want to do.. ...
They do an activity for 1 hour session where children and parents participate . They video record the same and play the next week to the parents ( while children are looked after safely). I was shocked to see myself continously giving instructions to my son and controlling him while all the other parents were happily enjoying the activity.

It was a rude awakening for me i should say . Then the lady in charge told me some golden rules for growing up years( the whole group was very supportive to each other).

1. Be consistent on what is allowed or not
2. Having boundaries for children is very good as that makes children feel very secure
3. Avoid using negative words like no , dont , not .. rather give acceptable choices
( i found this very useful with my son). Like instead of saying no short pants as its cold outside , say u can wear favourite jeans or suspenders etc... I found most often my son accepting
4. agree on consequences for unacceptable behaviour . ( in our house its quiet time or sit ups or 20 times saying sree rama jayam). Even i do face consequence when i act cranky( yeAH i keep shouting)
5. Still there would be times when we might not be able to accept their wish / accomodate their idea in the daily scheme of things..

Its very important to listen it out and give proper reasoning.. then i get better co-opertation ..( like for example crying is not allowed but can ask nicely several times like want more boost in milk or only chocos for bf .Sometimes i allow these things just to make him feel asking helps and give a disclaimer "just today since u asked nicely "..

Letter to Santa

First letter written by my child - to Santa - 22 Dec 2010

Halloween at school - 28 Oct. 2010

 there were so many similar characters.. younger ones(girls) really got scared and started crying after a while!! & my pirate was with his swords trying to kill all the witches around!! lol... it was funny and really enjoya...ble experience esp. the last part where they got so so many chocolate treats!!!

Wishing all my friends a very happy & proserous Durga Puja!

Once again as we celebrate the victory of good over Evil, hope Ma Durga blesses you & your family with showers of happiness & good fortune today and always !

This is the biggest and most important festival for us that lasts for 10 long days. Can be compared to Christmas here...

Rian's visit - 03 October 2010 - Speak only in mother tongue to children!

Im elated to watch my child speak in Bengali... his Bengali friend from Germany couldnt converse in English and he could reply back in German... It was amazing to watch them speak for the past two days only in his mother-tongue Bengali... Im so happy! :-)

Im convinced, once in India, he would be able to pick up good Hindi, Kannada/Tamil or Malayalam very soon... :-)

Speak only in mother tongue to children!

- esp for my friends who have dual lang at home in a non-English / totally English speaking countries! Read it!

Living in linguistic entropy - Bangalore Mirror - Lakshmi Srinivasan explores the good, the bad, and mostly absurd side of new india

in today's India/Indians, with cross-state marriages and settling in another state state, it really has become as tough as settling in a foreign country... wrt languages for children to speak.. Anyways, Ive decided to conc on Bengali & Malayalam for the time being... He should start thinking in Bengali rather than in English... :-( not happy with myself...